Approved Services
Services we offer are approved and licensed by the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) and the Office of Healthcare Quality (OHCQ). Our staff have completed all licensing required trainings to provide specialized care for our participants. Our nurses are board certified in addition to other state mandated certifications.

Community Living Group Home/Residential Services
We provide specialized living arrangements to our participants without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, age, national origin, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, or creed.
Support provided includes behavioral assessment and support plan ,1:1 awake supervision, Awake Overnight AON staffing, Psychiatric and psychological services, transportation to medical appointments, promoting activities of choice to reduce social anxiety and promoting positive social Interactions.
For our participants with behavior problems, we recognize that individuals may display reactions to situations as they comprehend them or see fit, therefore all effort is made to employ alternatives to disruptive behaviors, such as redirection, positive reinforcement, praise and addressing the instigating cause of such behaviors and as enshrined in the individual’s behavior plan.
Alternative Living Units (ALU) Placements
Awake-Overnight (AON) Staffing
Independence Promotion and Community Integration
Personal, Finance, and Recreational Community Management Assistance
Community Development Services
We Promote growth and develop skills necessary to gain, retain or advance competitive integrated employment opportunities.
Community Resources Exploration
Local Community Events Support
Positive Social Interactions Assistance
Self-Advocacy Resources Provision
Respite Care
We work to relieve the demands and stresses of caregiving responsibilities.
We provide participants with new opportunities, experiences and self-determination benefiting both the participant and natural caregiver.
Short-Term Assisted Living (Provided at Planned Intervals, in Times of Crisis, or As Needed)
Temporary Relief for the Primary Caregiver
Day Habilitation Services
We provide training and support designed to maintain participant abilities and to prevent or slow loss of skills. Opportunities are available for participants to practice skills related to preferred vocations, Meeting new people and making friends and attending classes/activities for fun and fitness. We also provide transportation services.
Nursing Support Services
Our nurses work with assigned primary care physicians. The goal is to guarantee implementation of all orders and treatment plans.
Comprehensive nursing assessment for all participants
Complete medication administration screening tool in the event of significant changes in the health of the client
Delegating and overseeing all assigned nursing treatments and protocols.
Case Management
Nursing Delegation

Employment Services
Co-Worker Employment Support
Follow-Along Support
Job Discovery and Development
Ongoing Job Support
Self-Employed Development
Personal Support Service
We provide support to enhance opportunities for community involvement and participation. Our staff are trained to work in any setting (participant owned home or living with family) according to the choice of the participant.
Assistance in Home and Community Life Participation
Coordination With Community Resources
Daily Living Support
- Medical Appointments
- Medications
- Personal Appointments
- Personal Care
- Recreations
Facilitation of Relationships With Family, Friends, and Neighbors
One-on-One Staffing
Personal Assistance and Supervision
Personalized Support Based on the Person-Centered Plan