Specialized Care for Individuals With Disabilities
Providing Personal Support, Employment Assistance, and More

A comprehensive professional team approach is available to all participants in our program. Care and treatment are provided according to the preferences of each participant.
Precision Healthcare Resources Inc (PHR) is committed to providing services of the highest possible quality to our participants. We encourage skills that are specific to each participant in line with their person-centered plan to help them function within their environment. We will also create opportunities for socialization through modeling of appropriate behaviors with the use of praise and other forms of positive reinforcement, community integration and acquisition of basic home skills necessary for independent living.

About Us
We are stakeholders with the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) in the State of Maryland. Our area of specialization is in the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) sector.
Our Mission
Our mission is to affect a positive touch on the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities by focusing on their intellectual, social, physical, spiritual, and emotional needs, preferences, choices, and desires. We consider ourselves privileged to facilitate their community integration, safeguarding, and ensuring the protection of their fundamental rights, growth and development, promoting choice and responsibility and maximum self-determination. We are also, committed to working with families as well as to the prudent and judicious use of resources available to us.
Join Our Team
Are you a healthcare professional who wants to be a part of our team?
You are more than welcome to apply for a position!